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Fantasy & Adventure

Fantasy is great fun to write.  My first steps into fantasy came with the death of a close friend, Gareth Ogilvie.  A few years after we laid him to rest, I discovered that his family still hadn’t been able to erect a headstone form him.  Gareth left behind a young family, and his sudden passing had left them very hard up.  It was at that point I decided to write a new novel, dedicate it to Gareth and use the proceeds from the sale of his books to get my friend that gravestone he so richly deserves.  I had also wanted to write a novel about Highlanders, a good old swashbuckling adventure, with lots of battles and everything that went with it.  I had always been put off that idea because of social historians.  Woe betide the unwary author gets something wrong in Scottish history.  They shall descend upon you in waves and their wrath is mighty.  To avoid this I very cheekily took the Highlanders out of Scotland and put them on a new world.  New World, new history, new mountains, but same old Highlanders.  Gareth Ogilvie The Highland War Chieftain was supposed to be a one-off.  However, pressure from my readers persuaded me to turn it into a three-book epic.  With two written and a third still to come I shall be writing a lot more in this series.   

This novel was an indulgence of the mind, a tongue in cheek science fiction fantasy adventure that romps across vast continents, from mountain ranges that challenge the Himalayas to burning deserts and a sea of bones. Myth and magic combine to make it a romping tale of a faraway world where only a small band of Highland men, most of whom are bitter enemies, can save the world from slavery.
This gallant warrior band is led by the greatest War Chieftain that ever lived Gareth Ogilvie. Betrayed by a brother, he chose a life of shame and solitude rather than bring grief to his family.  Yet despite his dishonor, men still flock to stand by his side, and only the foolish dared mention it.
When they reach the lowlands they are immediately enveloped in a world of black sorcery. Stabled with the War Eagles as a mark of disrespect, Gareth and his Highlanders form a bond with the majestic creatures. Enslaved for thousands of years and bound by magical rings these masters of the air await the day when their rings will be cast off. What happens when that day finally arrives, you will have to read to find out.

This book was aimed squarely at my male readers, however to my surprise; strong female characters have also attracted an astounding following from my female readers.

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Gareth Ogilvie The Great Sea King

Trapped by fate Gareth assumes the mantel of the Great Sea King; his aim is simple, break up the largest Kingdom in the world. His dreams lie in a small cottage with a forge high up in the Highlands with his beautiful wife Melina, but will she be willing to give up the trappings of a Queen. For once the motivation isn’t murder by ruthless men to steal a Kingdom but to keep an unwilling man on the throne, but then again!
What has become of the Highlanders that followed Gareth onto the battlefield and what became of the Eagles he freed? It’s all here in this novel with a few very unusual twists that will keep you rocking with laughter.

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